Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Unmoved Blogging

Over the past week, the Lord has been working on me in an amazing way. He has been speaking life into me and inspiring me to jump out of my comfort zone. I have been writing little journals about different things I have gone through and I know many of you may be able to relate to them as well. I thought these journals were just to help me, but I guess I was wrong. The Lord laid it upon my heart to start sharing some of the things I have been writing. I have wrestled with this decision for several days, wondering if this was really what God wanted me to do. It is very scary to let just anyone be able to look into your heart and know your true feelings. I have prayed and prayed. I know this is what God is calling me to do. So, I decided to create this blog to post short journals once or twice a week. My aunt helped me decide on calling my blog Unmoved. I liked this title because that is how I want my life to be. Unmoved by trials and tribulations, unmoved by selfishness of this world, and unmoved by the daily struggles of life. I want my life to be so deeply found in Jesus Christ that nothing can move or shake the foundation I have in Him.

I hope you enjoy reading these short posts and I pray that something I have written God will use to help you too!

Love you all,


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