Thursday, May 3, 2018

My seasons change... YOU stay the same

Has anyone heard the new Casting Crown song, God of All My Days? One of the lines in the song says, “My seasons change, You stay the same.” This line hit me really hard this week. The truth in the line was relevant to my own life lately. I have been struggling just thinking about the future and all I need to accomplish this summer. I have two Masters classes to take, a summer job, and I need to find a teaching job for the fall. It seems to all keep piling on and I wonder if it is ever going to get easier.

I remember when I first started college. I told myself, “Just make it through each day, Maci, and everything will be okay.” Every time I finished a test or a project, it was such a relief because I just knew I was one step closer to a stress-free life. (Imagine me laughing at myself right now!) What I have come to find, in the last several weeks, was that the stress was yet to have even begun at that point.

Then recently, I heard the song I mentioned earlier. The lyrics really spoke to me.
My seasons do change, but my God stays the same. He was with me in the stress of college and now, in this new season of my life, He will be with me again.

I had a moment of clarity and I have come to terms that once you finish with one stressor, another just comes right along to take its place. However, the thing is that God isn’t changing in my life. He is always going to be there, to love me through every up and down, happiness and heartbreak, and seasons of failures and victories. I am truly, truly thankful He is the God of all my days and He is ever faithful and ever true. 

P.S. College was great but I have a feeling the best has yet to come!

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