Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Social Media Breakdown

Let me ask you a question. How much time do you spend on social media? You probably think, “I am not that bad.” I do not spend that much time on Facebook or Instagram. Come on now, let’s be honest here and not lie to ourselves. I know the first thing you do in the morning is grab your phone to check messages, Instagram likes, or to see what is happening on Facebook. It has become our way of life unfortunately.

Personally, I know I spend way too much time scrolling through Instagram and Facebook. Recently, I have discovered that social media was not really helping me. Now, I am not here to bash social media. I think it can be used for good and it is a great way to connect with other people. Without Facebook many of you would have never heard of my blog or even read it. So, I understand it can be used in a good way. However, I want to take a minute and talk about #REALISTHENEWPERFECT. I got this from a book I have been reading called “Choosing Real” by Bekah Jane Pogue. When I read the chapter in this book regarding this - it hit me. We all use Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to paint an unrealistic version of our lives and ourselves. We only see what people think it their best on social media. I realized that I had to stop. I had to take a step back from my obsession on how many likes can my picture get. I had to take a step back from comparing my life to the girl on Instagram who has the perfect boyfriend, hair, makeup, clothes, car, etc. I had to take a step back to just be Maci. Let me tell you my break from Instagram was really refreshing.

In the book, I talked about earlier, the author talks about how much we let the online world consume us. We let it takeover our thoughts, actions, and posts. We become so consumed at trying to take the perfect selfie, car picture, family picture, friend picture, or relationship picture that we don’t just live in the imperfect moments we have. We are so worried about what other people are posting and doing that we forget to enjoy the moments in front of us. It consumes us. How many times have you looked at someone’s Instagram or Snapchat post and thought WOW! I wish I looked like them! Or I wonder why I didn’t get invited to hangout with all my friends. Then the rest of the night all you can think about it how all of your friends are hanging out and you didn’t get invited. There social media goes making you think something it wrong with you! Here’s my little secret: If you are feeling this way, take a break! I had to! When I say I was consumed by Social Media (mainly Instagram and Snapchat), I mean I was CONSUMED!

 So why do I let Social Media dictate my emotions? So why do I try to pretend to be someone I am not on social media? Why do I try to paint this perfect picture of my life for others to see, when Jesus sees the real me? He sees the messy hair, no makeup girl that I am every morning and He loves me. He sees the crying and begging girl searching for peace in a world filled with troubles. He sees all of you. That’s the amazing thing about Jesus. We never have to put a show for Him to like us. We never have to worry about Jesus not inviting us somewhere. If Jesus had Instagram or Facebook, He would be the first like you would get, EVERY SINGLE TIME. So instead for trying to be perfect, I am going to be me. The REAL Maci Hope Swindle, messy life and all. I don’t know about you but I am done being CONSUMED by anything other than JESUS.

P.S. This Pinterest quote sums it all up :) 

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