Monday, February 11, 2019

"A" Game

I was listening to a podcast the other day and the guest speaker said, “Who needs me on my A game today?” I immediately thought about my 70 kids at school and how every day, they walk into my classroom.  They definitely need me to be on my “A” game. However, lately I have been thinking about this in relation to my walk with Christ. I think about Jesus and how every single day He is on his “A” game. He is always there, ready to help me with whatever I may be facing but for me, sometimes, it's hard to be on my “A” game. I don’t know about you but sometimes I wake up refreshed ready to face my day and other times I wake up with the weight of worry from something that happened the day before. It can start before I even get out of bed. I am weighed down by the worry or anxiety of the day ahead or things behind me.  

Does this happen to anyone else? You get bogged down by the day, before it even gets started. How I’m I supposed to be on my “A” game if this is the case?

This morning though, I woke up differently. I woke up with an assurance that everything was going to be okay. I woke up ready to be on my “A” game for my students, but most importantly, for my Jesus. I thought about how I can make such a difference by just being more willing to let go of what’s bringing me down and holding me back. I want to push forward and be a light for Jesus. I want people to see Him in me. I want to make a difference in people’s lives and the only way I can do that is to choose to be on my “A” game for Jesus every single day.

Maybe you are reading this and you feel the same way I have felt lately. Maybe you don’t know how you can change to be on your “A” game. My encouragement is to pray!! Pray all day, everyday. Keep asking God to help you be a light for Him and to let go of worry, doubt, anxiety, or whatever may be holding you back. Choose to be on your “A” game. Jesus needs a team full of his best players!

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